
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
So Rohan reached out and wanted to pick my brain on my Self Improvement/Life Development journey on every topic from Bodybuilding, to Girls to Finances and everything in between.
We decided to just have him interview me for our chat and record it so that it might be of use to other guys that are starting off on this journey of self-improvement and or just would like to know more about me.
A Brown Guy / Indian Man's Self Improvement Journey Guide
Timestamps :
0:00 - Intro Teaser
1:30 - What this Podcast is all about
6:00 - What got you into Self Improvement?
13:00 - School made me feel like I was a Stupid Failure
16:00 - I HATE the Indian Man/Brown Guy Stereotype in the Media
20:20 - Do you ever have the "I'm just a Brown Guy" limiting Self Belief?
26:22 - Brown/Indian Guy Bodybuilding/Fitness Genetics
32:00 - We Self Sabotage Ourselves and Our Progress
38:05 - Did I ALWAYS Plan on Moving out of India?
42:40 - Money is NOT that big of a deal. People have wrong priorities.
44:12 - Why you SHOULD pursue your desire for attaining Women
48:25 - QUALITY Women are a needle in a haystack
53:25 - Why do Guys shy away from pursuing Women/Game SERIOUSLY?
1:03:20 - You can't value a quality girl until you've been through the trash out there.
1:05:00 - The difference in being with your Girl out of Choice vs Fear
1:07:15 - Why giving her MINDBOGGLING Sex is SO Important
1:11:00 - Why do I hire Coaches?
1:16:55 - You can ALWAYS Make Money, you can NEVER Buyback Time
1:19:30 - Best advice can I give to the young man on Self Improvement?
1:27:10 - Pick Up progress and success will also help you make Money
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/The.Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Why Sekiro Will Make You a Happier, More Successful Person in Life
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
#sekiro #wisdom #sekiroshadowsdietwice
So I recently decided to RE-TRY playing Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, since I rage quit it the first time it released.
Playing this game has literally been a Psychedelic Trip in itself in terms of the Revelations and Wisdom I have received in experiencing it so far.
In this video I am going to explain to you why and how Sekiro, the World's most DIFFICULT video game, teaches us SO MANY important Life Lessons we've been missing out on.
Timestamps :
00:00 - Intro to what even is Sekiro
03:40 - How does Sekiro work?
10:14 - What is the Game Journalist Mode Meme?
12:49 - Life Lesson #1 - Life is Unfair
14:40 - The Rate of Enjoyment/Success/Fun vs Difficulty Graph
16:50 - Suck it up princess
17:25 - Life Lesson #2 - Why you ALWAYS Fail | It's not Difficult, it's SKILLFUL
22:00 - Someone that Quits vs Someone that Pivots
24:08 - Life Lesson #3 - Stop Judging Yourself by your FIRST Attempts
28:15 - Life Lesson #4 - Practice MORE. Life is a NUMBERS Game.
31:01 - Life Lesson #5 - Take a Break and Rest and Recover
34:05 - Life Lesson #6 - Learn from Others DOING it Successfully
39:30 - Life Lesson #7 - You pay for Problem Solving NOT Theory
40:29 - Life Lesson #8 - Learn to PIVOT & Change your Strategy/Approach
44:40 - Life Lesson #9 - Watch your Recordings. Observe yourself.
47:15 - Life Lesson #10 - Have Confidence in Yourself | Don't be afraid to innovate.
49:24 - Life Lesson #11 - Don't let others opinions get to you
55:36 - Life Lesson #12 - Stop trying to CHEESE your Way to Success
1:00:55 - Life Lesson #13 - CELEBRATE Your Victories!
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :-
/ intellectualmuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Mu...
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRi...
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualm...
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Saturday Feb 18, 2023
HORRIBLE Dating Advice from Women on Reddit
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
DM me directly on Facebook now, since my Instagram has been disabled: https://www.facebook.com/ketan.seth.1
Ever heard of you should never ask a Fish how it gets Fished?
This is EXACTLY Why.
In this DISASTER of a Reddit thread advice section, some random girl gives the WORST piece of advice to guys that are out there just starting off trying to get some results, not getting any, and then getting misled EVEN further on how this shit is not helping them out.
Having taken advice from my mom, female friends and other friends girlfriends and then ACTUALLY going out there and doing approaches IRL, and observing & learning from the best Pick Up Artists out there, I can tell you for CERTAIN, that the average Woman will ALWAYS mislead you in terms of getting girls.
Want to improve your dating, relationship and sex life game?
Watch this to understand not only what NOT to do, but also what TO do instead.
Timestamps :
00:00 - Why you should NEVER ask Women for Advice on Getting Girls
02:30 - Should you NOT show Intent?
03:20 - You are NOT Disturbing someone by Talking to them
05:00 - What a Woman means by 'Creep'
08:20 - We need to know each other...BEFORE we know each other...
12:10 - Hidden Motives piss girls OFF!
14:10 - She doesn't even understand what is and isn't Cold Approach
17:30 - Explaining Indirect Approaches vs Hiding Intent
20:30 - Sexual Objectification of Women, can be GOOD?!
23:50 - Do Men want to talk to her to "expand your social circle"?
27:30 - Don't attack her with being Nice. How DARE You?!
28:00 - Should you take an n=1 Woman's advice on Dating?
29:08 - Roasting the Comments Section on Reddit
30:20 - "You should be indirect"
32:30 - GAAAAAAARBAGE Advice from another Woman
36:20 - Assume you are an Attractive Man, NOT a Creep
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Has the Red Pill made you 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 Women?
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
Has the Red Pill made you Hate Women? Or simply jaded against them?
We also discuss something else I recently came to a conclusion to as well. I understand why religion exists and how it works to serve people. Like I see the utility in it. How? Let's find out in the podcast.
And finally, what if you haven't found your mission or life purpose yet? How do you go about approaching life then?
SEO Description :
In this episode of the Intellectual Muscle Podcast, I speak with co-host Andy about the controversial idea that the Red Pill makes one hate women. We discuss a range of topics, including religion, pick-up artistry, and the impact the Red Pill has had on our views on women.
If you're interested in hearing my thoughts on this topic, then this is the episode for you. In this podcast, we discuss the effects of the Red Pill on Andy's views on women, and how it has impacted his life.
Andy's Channel : @KillYourInnerLoser
Timestamps :
00:00 - Intro
06:28 - Should you chase Women and your Pick Up phase first or Money, an WHY?
24:00 - Game & Pick Up imo, is today's Rites of Passage for Boys to Men
32:40 - Why does it matter if I do what I do?
43:10 - How we think Religion works
58:35 - Did the Black Pill/Red Pill make me resent or hate Women?
1:10:05 - Treating Women as Overgrown Children
1:30:10 - Women Hate Women
1:36:30 - Did you go through a period of disliking Women?
1:45:00 - How many Black Pillers approach us for Coaching?
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Mu...
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRi...
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualm...
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com
Other channels with similar content @hamzaunfiltered @Hamza97 @1STMAN @FreshFitMiami @FreshandFitClips
mgtow, wheat waffles, black pill, how to beast, the rational male

Monday Jan 23, 2023
”High Value Women” in 2023 = Escorts
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
In this video, we're going to discuss how all of the "high-value women" that the world has to offer/keep harping on about, that you as a young man should "save yourself for", are basically all just escorts & hookers.
I've received this question about whether or not I should be hiring the services of a hooker/escort multiple times from many different guys, and I think this question actually warrants an answer.
This is a MASSIVE misconception and an oversight, where no one in the ENTIRETY of the manosphere, discusses WHO exactly these High-Value Women, that you are saving yourselves for, are in the first place.
Whether it be Andrew or Tristan Tate, or Chris from @1STMAN or @Hamza97 @Hamza97 , @FreshFitMiami literally ANY part of the whole "Dating Self Improvement for Men" part of the Toxic Manosphere.
This topic and video should clarify a LOT of doubts in your mind and life and set you up straight for what you might want to pursue in the future.
Timestamps :
00:00 - Should you Partake in Escort Services?
03:20 - My Personal Experiences are Zilch wrt Escort Services
05:20 - My INITIAL Thoughts on Why Escorts/Paying or Sex is NOT a good idea
08:23 - Others' Experiences to Learn From
13:10 - My "Friends" from India and their Experiences
17:10 - The CONFUSION of the Toxic Red Pill Manosphere Advice
22:00 - How ALL High Value Women in Manosphere are Escorts & Hookers
30:05 - Why are there NO High Value Women flexed that AREN'T whoring themselves out?
33:50 - Why are all these girls around celebs only airhead 9s and 10s?
35:50 - Do you want Sex or Companionship?
40:00 - Guys that HAVE Money and Status are HIDING it in the SMV
Please Ignore this SEO Description lmao:
Are you looking for a high-value woman to date? In 2023, escorts will be the go-to choice for high-value women. In this video, I'm Going to share with you the 8 signs that you're dating a high-value woman. If you want to find a high-value woman, then you need to heed these signs!
If you're looking for a high-value woman to date in the near future, then you need to watch this video! In it, I'm going to share with you the 8 signs that you're dating a high-value woman. If you follow these signs, you'll be on your way to finding a high-value woman that you can date and enjoy also teaching mens fashion
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
The BEST Bodybuilding Diet to Build Muscle & Lose Fat. 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑.
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
The BEST Bodybuilding Diet to Build Muscle & Lose Fat. 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑.
What is the BEST Bodybuilding Diet in the World to Build Muscle and Lose Fat?
No unnecessary scientific complexities and jargon. No supra-infra physiological understandings are required.
Just the most basic principles of the human body in terms of caloric setups and adjustments, to build yourself the PERFECT diet, that you can NEVER fail on again.
Timestamps :
00:00 - Intro to the Best Bodybuilding Diet EVER.
01:40 - Calculating the right Macro & Caloric Intake
02:30 - WHAT to Eat?
03:30 - Work WITH yourself instead of AGAINST yourself
04:40 - How to tackle Hunger Hacks and Appetite Suppressants
06:10 - Repeat the SAME Food as much as possible!
07:30 - WHY People FAIL & How to Avoid it
08:30 - Dopamine Detox for your DIET & Food Eating Habits
09:05 - BUILDING Your Diet
11:15 - Caloric Adjustments How to Bulk or Cut
12:45 - The Ectomorph Struggle of my Life
13:20 - Which Foods to Eat for your Macros
17:00 - When you're not Hungry and don't have an Appetite
18:30 - Examples of my Meal Plan logged on MyFitnessPal
20:20 - My Junk/Cheat Food Calories While Bulking
21:30 - Switching Things up & Variety in Food Choices
22:23 - Outro for the Worlds Most PERFECT Diet
@MorePlatesMoreDates @Hamza97 @hamzaunfiltered @gregdoucette @JeffNippard @hubermanlab @FouadAbiad
intellectual muscle, the best diet
If you're looking for a diet that will help you build muscle and lose fat, then you need to check out our latest video! In this video, we'll show you the best bodybuilding diet, complete with instructions on how to set it up and how to make the most of it.
If you're eager to start packing on muscle and shedding fat, then this is the diet for you! With a tailored diet and sensible exercise, you'll see results in no time!Trust us, our expert advice on this diet will help you reach your bodybuilding goals!
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Should you chase Pussy or Money FIRST? Derek More Plates vs Hamza & 1stMan
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
Should you chase Pussy or Money FIRST?
In this video, we'll be debating the pros and cons of chasing pussy or money first. Hear from Derek More Plates More Dates, Chris from Good Looking Loser Hamza, and Tate & 1stMan & see which one of these two goals is worth your time and energy!
Chasing money or chasing pussy?
That's the question we'll be debating in this video. From working hard to make money to build a successful career to earning respect, these 4 guys and I have insights on what it takes to chase pussy or money first. And why chasing women, getting girls or pussy should be your FIRST priority. So what's your choice?
Timestamps :
00:00 - Intro
02:45 - Chase Women or Money first?
05:30 - CAN you become a Millionaire fast enough?
06:30 - Young = INFINITE Access to Women
08:08 - When you get Girls you can make Money
13:30 - You do NOT want to be with girls that only have looks as Value
15:10 - Your GUILT about Lack of Progress
17:30 - INSTANTANEOUS - IDGAF Attitude
20:00 - The 3s Rule for LIFE
21:30 - The ABUNDANCE Mindset vs Scarcity
23:00 - Being Non-Reactive & "Alpha"
24:10 - The problem with @hamzaunfiltered @Hamza97 @1STMAN
25:10 - What do you consider HIGH Value in a Women?
26:26 - Value for Money is considered ONLY Looks
28:45 - Why you will ALWAYS struggle with NoFap & Porn if you don't chase Pussy
29:40 - All Money Chasers are being Hypocritical
31:20 - Game vs Status
33:06 - What happens if you DO get Financially Independent & High Status?
36:30 - What is a Meaningful Relationship at the end of this all?
37:30 - The problem of being TOO High Value
39:50 - Plight of the Lonesome Bodybuilder
40:15 - Even High-Status Men have ZERO Game & Social Skills
42:15 - Pick Up & Game is today's RITE of Passage!
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Why You 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 Hate Your Life - ”Victim Mentality” Disorder
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
Let's talk about the Victim Mentality Mindset Disorder.
The one mindset/self-limiting belief that has been taking over all of humanity by storm, ever since the dawn of time. One of the most brilliant misconceptions or "myth" story tales we have been telling ourselves and our young ones, without even realizing.
This ONE simple Mindset is going to be the root cause of ALL of your downfall in your ENTIRE life. As long as you are cognizant about finding and identifying the Victim Mentality Complex when it pops up, you are more than strong, powerful, and equipped enough to go on to ANY other bigger challenge in your life!
If you're struggling with feeling like a victim in your life, then this video is for you. We'll discuss the symptoms of the "Victim Mentality" and how to overcome them. By the end of this video, you'll know what to do to fix your life and start living the life you want!
Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Like you can't break out of the cycle of negative thinking and unhappiness? In this video, I'm sharing with you the latest research on what's known as the "victim mentality."
The victim mentality is a self-defeating mindset that leads to low self-esteem and a lack of motivation. In this video, I'm sharing with you how to overcome the victim mentality and start living a life of happiness and success. By understanding the root of your negative thinking, you can start to change your life for the better!
Timestamps :
00:00 - The MOST Important Mindset for your ENTIRE Existence
02:00 - How Our Brain FOOLS Us
02:37 - What is the Victim Mentality Complex Mindset?
04:05 - Losing My Mission & Purpose in Life
12:00 - The DECEPTION of the Victim Mindset
14:00 - An example of Me going into the Victim Mentality
17:30 - You think you are the MAIN Player of the Game of Life
19:30 - Disappointments mean you had Expectations
25:20 - Think of Life as a Game of UNFAIR Chess
28:40 - My most recent Victim Mentality incident
32:01 - When you're in a Depressed Rut ALL you can see are the other Valleys
33:05 - Fix #1 - The List of Victimhood vs Empowerment
35:30 - Fix #2 - Set a timer to Vent and Cry for 5-30 mins
39:00 - Take MASSIVE Action
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Who is Ketan Seth aka Intellectual Muscle | My Life Story
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
#lifestory #mylife #mylifestory
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
I've realized I've never really shared with you a story on who I am, how my upbringing has been, how school & college/university life was in India, and all of the things in between that have shaped me into being the Ketan Seth (IntellectualMuscle) that I am today.
In this video, I'm telling my story. I'm sharing with you everything from my childhood to my career as a photographer. I hope you enjoy watching my story as much as I enjoy telling it.
As my video unfolds, you'll get to know me better and understand who I am. I hope you'll come back to watch my story again and again as time unfolds in your own life, I can almost guarantee you will find recurring themes and occurrences similar to your own. I promise you won't regret it!
Timestamps :
00:00 - Intro
03:09 - ORIGIN
08:07 - Race incident
13:05 - First Goal
17:25 - Soccer Team story
22:18 - 1st semester nightmare
26:24 - Encountering my first GYM BROS
30:00 - Progressive Overload was new to me
33:25 - No squat or power racks
35:58 - People started noticing
38:25 - Biggest fear in life
40:20 - Train Smarter not Harder
43:30 - Started getting girls
45:52 - Farm strength
49:11 - Fear of FAT
51:15 - ED story
56:25 - Outro
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Mu...
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRi...
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualm...
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com

Sunday May 15, 2022
My Johnny Depp Story | Abused as a Brown Man in the West
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
* For Coaching - https://calendly.com/intellectualmuscle *
My Johnny Depp Story | Abused as a Brown Man in the West
Considering this topic is trending right now and there is some actual awareness being spread around the male victims of domestic abuse, I thought I would share my story of domestic assault and abuse as a Brown man in the West, and the reaction of the cops to the same as well.
I have shared this story with a couple of other guy friends. Sadly, a few of them had similar stories to share, so this isn't as uncommon or rare as one might think or is played under the rug by the pseudo-feminist media propaganda.
My point with this is not to scare you from getting you into relationships and such bro, more that you want to be careful and mindful about what it is that's happening throughout the entire thing.
Timestamps :
00:00 - INTRO
00:42 - My experience
01:42 - Reputation of brown guys
04:36 - Call with therapist
07:34 - What is Trauma?
10:14 - Not identifying the red flags
12:00 - How it ended
19:00 - Video after the incident
23:50 - Upbringing of single parents
25:16 - Talk with the cops
27:25 - Long term/After effects of Trauma
Linktree (Glossary of all links!) :- https://linktr.ee/intellectual.muscle
Youtube :- https://youtube.com/c/IntellectualMuscle
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/Intellectual.Muscle
Spotify Podcast :- https://open.spotify.com/show/4qlRMRitoPYZDbjhHcaKwR?si=iyC4jotiTXyO38Q3YxjUGg
iTunes Podcast :- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-intellectual-muscles-podcast/id1524947850
Patreon :- https://www.patreon.com/intellectualmuscle
Podbean Podcast :- https://intellectualmuscle.podbean.com/
Website :- https://intellectual-muscle.com
male domestic abuse intellectual muscle podcast domestic violence domestic violence against men